Thursday, June 15, 2006

Show & Prove


For those of you who don't know, we in the Nation of Gods & Earths have a yearly event entitled the Show & Prove, which commemorates the life of Allah the founder of the NGE. This event is a testament to the life and vision of Allah, as it relates to what he wanted for future Gods and Earths. The event began in 1971 and was centered around a science fair in which the young Gods and Earths could exhibit their awareness and competency in science and mathematics (the subjects in which Allah placed much of his focus for the Gods and Earths). The event also featured singing, dancing, drumming, and a fashion show.

The past weekend, I attended our 35th annual show and prove. Gods and Earths from all across the country attended to see the universal family. As I looked around and saw the thousands in attendance, I marveled at the power of an idea(Knowledge), and the majesty of proper application and implementation(Wisdom). When those two elements come together, a positive result often emerges(Understanding). Both elements must be present to insure success; An idea w/ improper application will be dead on arrival, and the best intentions can't mask a bulls(!T idea.

That premise leads me into the importance of the concept "Show and Prove". To show is to exhibit, demonstrate, or make visible. Prove means to verify or establish by means of fact or reason. The use of the term compels one to not only speak of something, b.u.t. to provide supporting details or proof as well. This is one of the steps that allows us to set a standard of excellence for all of the human families to follow. It also ensures that your exhibition is aligned with the means to verify your assertion. Just as we demonstrate and establish that the Blackman is God and the Blackwoman is the Earth, so should you show and prove whatever your premise is. By doing that we will be able to interact and build as civilized people and change the world that we live in today.

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